APS Day 1

Overview (APS Day 1)

Intro Podcast (APS Day 1)

FUSION Classroom: APS Day 1 Intro

Flight Docs

FUSION Crew Video – MIMFO Departure with Automation


FUSION Crew Video – Steep Turns

FUSION Video – Steep turns with FPV

FUSION Video – Approach to Stall Recovery in Clean Configuration

FUSION Video – Approach to Stall Recovery in Dirty Configuration

FUSION Video – FMS Holding

FUSION Video – CAT 1 ILS with Automation

APS Day 1 (Evening)

Please review the content below as preparation for tomorrow’s training day:

  • Listen to APS Day 2 (FTD 7) Podcast
  • Watch APS Day 2 (FTD 7) Fusion Crew Videos
  • Review other Fusion material